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Natural Indigo as a Pigment

About indigo

Indigo can be natural or synthetic. Indigo, is a vat dye which means it is water-insoluble. Other plant dyes are extracted and then “fixed” to fabric, using metal salts known as mordants. Natural indigo undergoes a reduction process and does not require a mordant or fixative to “lock” to textile fibres. 

A natural indigo vat needs:

Indigo Vat.png

Why doesn’t indigo need a mordant?

When you first take fiber or cloth out of a healthy indigo vat it will appear greenish, and then turn blue when reacting with the oxygen in the air. As the indigo molecules are re-exposed to oxygen the molecules are “locked” to the cloth and the indigo particles once again become insoluble.


How does KM Natural Indigo ink work? 

What can I expect from printing with natural indigo?


The results you can expect are washable, crisp prints in a soft colour palette. It’s normal for there to be some texture in your print.

Your printed textile pieces will be washable but should be hand washed with gentle or ph-neutral soap. Best for white and light coloured fabrics.